شفرات لعبة Call of duty : Black Ops Cheats
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من أجل تفعيل الشفرات يجب عليك البحث عن ملفات اللعبة تحديدا في المجلد Steam هناك سيكون هناك ملف بعنوان "config.cfg" , افتحه بال Notepad في نهاية الملف يجب عليك ان تضيف الجملة التالية :
"seta thereisacow "1337
الأرقام يجب أن تكون بين علامتي الترقيم, هذا كاف لتفعيل الشفرات علي جهازك.
والان لمرحلة الربط, في هذه المرحلة يجب اضافة بعض الكلمات الاخري لتتمكن من تفعيل الشيفرة بكل سهولة وهو الامر "bind" مثلا "bind X "Y
يجب ان تضع رمزا لمفتاح بدل الرمز X وتضع الشفرة بدل الرمز Y , يعني كالتالي :
"seta thereisacow "1337
"bind j "god
"bind k "give all
"bind l "player_sustainammo 1
والأن اثناء اللعبة اضغط علي اي من المفاتيح التي قمت بضبطها لتفعيل شفرة معينة وسيتم تفعيلها في الحال و لتعطيلها قم بالضغط علي نفس المفتاح
بالنسبة للشفرة "player_sustainammo 1" سيتوجب عليك ضبط مفتاحين لها, مفتاح للتفعيل واخر للتعطيل
"bind l "player_sustainammo 1
"bind p "player_sustainammo 0
Find your game files in the Steam folder,open the "config.cfg" with Notepad,at
the end of the "config.cfg" file,must be added the following line:
seta thereisacow "1337" (the numbers must be in quotation marks)
This will enable the cheats. Now, several other lines must be added.
To use the cheats, the "bind" command must be used: bind X "Y" - on the place of X
you must put a key, on the place of Y, between the two tidles, you must put the cheat code.
EXAMPLE: seta thereisacow "1337"
the end of the "config.cfg" file,must be added the following line:
seta thereisacow "1337" (the numbers must be in quotation marks)
This will enable the cheats. Now, several other lines must be added.
To use the cheats, the "bind" command must be used: bind X "Y" - on the place of X
you must put a key, on the place of Y, between the two tidles, you must put the cheat code.
EXAMPLE: seta thereisacow "1337"
bind j "god"
bind k "give all"
bind l "player_sustainammo 1"
bind k "give all"
bind l "player_sustainammo 1"
When ingame, you just have to press one of these keys, and the cheat code will
be activated.
To disable a code, just press the needed key a second time.
be activated.
To disable a code, just press the needed key a second time.
cheat like "player_sustainammo", which need "1" or "0" to be inputed, will
need a different key with the "0" inputed to be disabled.
need a different key with the "0" inputed to be disabled.
example: bind l "player_sustainammo 1", bind p "player_sustainammo 0")
Note: Reset to default control will disable all cheat keys.
/give ammo
/give all
/g_speed [أي رقم]
/player_sustainammo 1
/give [اسم الشيء الذي تريده]
/give ammo
/give all
/g_speed [أي رقم]
/player_sustainammo 1
/give [اسم الشيء الذي تريده]
This is 10% luck 20% skill 15% concentration and power of well 5% pleasure 50% Pain & a 100% reason to remember the name
شفرات لعبة Call of duty : Black Ops Cheats
Reviewed by Mohamed Nassr
2:54 م
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